In my Heart

In my church we're counciled to keep a record of our lives for our future posterity. This is my record for now, of the things of my heart.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

A New Feature - A View From my Heart

Peter called last night and we had a GREAT talk! He said that he would explain about the girl over on his blog, so I won't repeat it here. Needless to say I was very relieved! We're going to see each other again soon (I hope), and I really can't wait!!

Mom and I went down to visit Nan and Ray last night. For those of you that don't know, Nan is my mom's older sister. Since my grandmother died when I was kind of young, Nan has been kind of a surrogate grandmother to me, even though she's really my aunt! Nan's husband died several years ago, and Nan married Ray a few years later. Ray is a good man, but he doesn't really go to church very much or things like that (he's from Santaquin if that explains anything). When we come to visit, me and mom usually chat with Nan in the kitchen and they teach me to bake something new while we chat. Ray usually goes down into the basement or out to the backyard until whatever we're baking is done.

This visit, mom and Nan kind of started talking about my older cousin (the older sister of Brindy) and her "Newlywed problems". I was a little uncomfortable for some reason, and I don't really understand what cranberry juice has to do with anything, so I excused myself and went wandering around the house. I thought Ray was in the backyard so I went downstairs, and Ray was there! Listening to some music on a record player.

I went to go back upstairs, but I was strangely attracted to the music. I approached Ray and he showed me this album.

Posted by Hello
The Grateful Dead! It sounded a little dark for me, but then I thought to myself well, there are plenty of Grateful Dead in the Temple, so maybe it would be OK the check it out. I sat there and listened to that entire record with Ray and you know what? It was AMAZING!!! I always thought Ray was kind of a hippy or something with his ponytail, but this wasn't anything like the hippy music I'd been told about, full of anti-gun and anti-government messages.

I called Emily (my most worldly galpal) and she said that "The Dead" were OK to listen to so I've decided to make a new feature here at my blog. Well, it's more of a personal enrichment goal really, but I've decided to expand my horizons by seeking out books, film, and music that is virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy and reviewing them here on my blog! My first entry will be posted shortly, a review of The Grateful Dead album "American Beauty"!

I'm so excited!!!! Special Thanks to Ray!


  • At 11:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You've got to be kidding! Who hasn't heard of the Grateful dead??

  • At 12:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You weren't comfortable talking about "girl problems" that require cranberry juice but you dig the Dead? Right....

  • At 12:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yeah, my Uncle Rod really likes to listen to The Dead-I am glad you like them too Molly! Girl, we miss you at work! Hope you like your new job!!

    Luv ya,


  • At 12:56 PM, Blogger Jeff J. Snider said…

    Molly, I am going to call you in a couple minutes to talk to you about this. Without going into too many details, let me just say that I looked at some Grateful Dead lyrics, and I think you might want to reconsider listening to them. I will call soon.

  • At 1:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    "Got a wife in Chino, babe, and one in Cherokee
    The first one says she’s got my child, but it don’t look like me.

    "Set out runnin’ but I take my time,
    A friend of the devil is a friend of mine,
    If I get home before daylight, I just might get some sleep tonight." -- The Grateful Dead

    Babies that don't look like their fathers. Friendships with Satan himself. Staying out past the Holy Ghost's bedtime. Yep. These are the lyrics you should be pondering as you take the sacrament.

  • At 1:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Grateful Dead? Why not go all the way? AC/DC! Black Sabbath! Barry Manilow!

  • At 1:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey, Don't even bash on Black Sabbath. They're one of the best rock bands of all time! Where do you think we got Ironman? Pep assemblies all over the country would be without such a classic wre it not for Black Sabbath.

  • At 2:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yeah, go get her Peter. Save from that evil hippie music. Looks like you're well on your way to becomeing a typical, uptight, demanding, ass of a conservative husband. Good for you, mate.

  • At 11:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You know, Ms. Molly, I am really disturbed by some of your references in this post and others "he is from Santaquin if that explains anything" or "he is from California if that explains anything." What it does explain is that you think anyone not from Provo Utah, is the devil. That, my dear is cultish behavior. You constantly judge and rely on others to make judgement calls for you. You need to start living for yourself, view something outside of Provo and come to the reality that there are a lot of good people out there, there are a lot of praiseworthy things out there, and gasp! people who are not Mormon are great as well. There are horrible Mormons and good Mormons, same for everyone else. Please,please get out of Provo for a little while and see that there is more than what your small narrowminded community is allowing you dissect.For people who are so righteous, you sure judge unjustly. Am I correct to quote " judge not that ye be not judged?"
    Helpful hint.
    - Concerned.


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