In my Heart

In my church we're counciled to keep a record of our lives for our future posterity. This is my record for now, of the things of my heart.

Friday, June 10, 2005

A request, sort of a plea really

I'm afraid I just had to delete a post from a Mr. "Anonymous" because it had some inappropriate language in it. The original comment more or less read

"I'm calling 'horsepucky' om this entire blog. No one could be this naive. Not even a Mormon. Nice try "Molly Monson", but I'm not buying it.

This is not the first time we've had a little conflict Anon (is it ok if I call you Anon?), but I'm OK with you not believing in me. I mean, not everyone believes in Joseph Smith or Santa either, but that doesn't mean that they aren't real. I have a lot of faith, and I have faith in you Anon that you can express your disbelief in me without resorting to coarse language.

Thank you and I hope we can continue to have positive and productive conversations.

Your Friend,

Molly Monson


  • At 10:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You see, that is another thing I do not understand about your religion. Why can you say "horsepucky", but you cannot say, bulls@#$, which is what I really said? You are meaning the same thing, right? A word is just a's the meaning behind it that matters.

    Santa? Come on, get real.

  • At 12:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I just don't understand why anyone has to use profanity to express themsevles. Hey, Anon...couldn't you have just said, "I think this blog is a fake"? Why do you have to identify this sweet girl's blog with horse excrement?

  • At 12:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    sorry, Anon, I nearly stole your identity in that last post...but excrement? Give Molly a little more credit.

  • At 3:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thank you Molly for being brave enough to hold to your standards. What is sad is that you will have to be diligent and steadfast and always on the lookout. There are those out there who don't respect our standards and will post foul-mouthed things anyway. So that means you will be forced to see those words just because you have a blog. It's not fair, but that's the way the world is today. Read the scriputres lots and you will be fine. Have fun on your date tonight! The church is true!

  • At 12:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Don't think most Mormons would be keen on you comparing Santa with someone they believe as being a true prophet.


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