In my Heart

In my church we're counciled to keep a record of our lives for our future posterity. This is my record for now, of the things of my heart.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Why I haven't posted lately

I haven't been a very good blogger lately, and there is a reason for that. I don't want to get into too many details, but a close friend of mine recently told me that she is pregnant. She is not married and is a member of the church.

I really had some problems with this. My friend and I were close, and I couldn't believe that she would be doing things that would get her pregnant. I didn't know what to say when she told me. I just sort of went into shock. I don't think she had told too many people yet, and she was probably approaching me for advice or maybe some sympathy or even just a listening ear. I just totally froze up and didn't say ANYTHING!!! My poor friend just sort of looked at me frozen and then got up and left.

Its been an intense few weeks for me as I've thought about this. Part of me wanted to stay away from my friend, probably beceause I felt bad about how I responded and partly because I felt like I didn't want to be around someone who had gotten pregnant out of wedlock. After a week of feeling this way, I decided I was wrong and that it wasn't right to shun someone because they have a problem or made a mistake. I spoke to Stephen about it, and he said that I should call and offer to help my friend. This was pretty good advice I thought so I called my friend and told her that I was sorry and asked her if I could help.

She's since gone to her bishop and is working some things out. You know, I tried to expand my horizons by getting familiar with music and other things, but I decided that this has helped me with that more than any of those other things.

Stay tuned though for this weeks View from my Heart: Sense and Sensibility!!! (Thanks to me-myself-and I for the suggestion).


  • At 6:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Molly - I'm really proud of you and how you've decided to be supportive of your friend. She is facing a very tough challenge right now, and she'll need your friendship.


  • At 11:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm disappointed that you had to think twice about it. Shame on you.

  • At 1:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    On this site?
    I don't think so.

  • At 10:37 AM, Blogger Molly said…

    Well Jamie actually I am going to review Sense and Sensibility on this site. Maybe you didn't see it in the post, but check back soon and it'll be here!

  • At 4:33 PM, Blogger LITTLE MISS said…

    Hey Molly, thanks for stopping by. And just so you know, I don't allow anonymous comments on my blog, and I don't think you should either. (It will keep you from wondering...)

  • At 5:06 PM, Blogger Erika said…

    aw, that would totally ruin all the fun though

  • At 7:06 PM, Blogger hollibobolli said…

    I had a hard time with this post.. for reactions I had to my own pregnancy. I even got suggestions about alternatives that blew my mind. I'm always curious when someone thinks this way - what they think the better alternative is.. Sometimes it's more difficult to make the right decisions in a tough situation than take the easy way out so nobody judges you..

  • At 7:45 AM, Blogger Me again said…

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  • At 7:54 AM, Blogger Just Me said…

    Molly I'm glad that you are supporting your friend, I always was told to love the person not the sin.

  • At 10:51 AM, Blogger LITTLE MISS said…

    Dear Me Again,
    My dad was adopted, and we are going through some of these issues right now. I've just recently become part of his birth mom's life, and I have to tell you...I feel SO BAD for everything that everyone involved has had to go through because of one decision forced on her back when she was 17. Don't listen to anyone who says, "you're supposed to forget about that baby." It will never happen. My grandmother is 70 + and she's NEVER forgotten. Her baby has never left her mind or her heart. Your sister can't get him back, but she can hope that someday he come looking for her, and then they can have that a relationship that she so desperately longs for.

    Also, don't ever hide the fact that she placed a baby up for adoption. She should be proud of her decision because at that time, she felt as an unfit mother to give this baby the type of life she knew was best. But some day, she will get married, she will have other children...and take it from me, the truth always comes out, and it HURTS. Be honest. Never forget that baby. Never tell your sister to forget about that baby. Be supportive and understanding. Love her unconditionally. My dad had a GREAT life. He too was sealed to his adoptive parents. And now, he has a good relationship with his birth family. In fact, we're surprising her by flying in for the family reunion next week (there's still a lot of family we haven't met). I can't wait.

    p.s. I don't want Molly's blog to become a sounding board for adoption, so email me, and we can talk more about it.

  • At 11:06 AM, Blogger Molly said…

    My Mom's calling in our stake is to be a liason between unwed mothers and LDS Family Services.

    She says that the Church says that marriage or adoption are the reccomended options, but that LDS Family Services is there to help no matter what is decided.

    Mom says they provide counseling to the family members as well as the parents of the baby. Has your family looked into that at all Me Again? Mom says they're really helpful.

    I'm also really glad for what Holli said. I feel bad that I reacted how I did at first, but I still think that I've been doing the right thing by being supportive of my friend. And I know that she's glad to have a friend too.

  • At 3:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sadly, it appears that you and your friends\family appear bored of this whole thing. At least tell us you're stopping to give us some closure.

  • At 4:52 PM, Blogger Madwig said…

    I don't get it. Why were you so chocked? Was she underage or what? I mean whats wrong about having sex or getting pregnant, even before you marry?

    Glad to see that you decided to support her.

  • At 12:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    a few months ago, my old roomate e.mailed me and told me she was expecting - and her missionary/fiance was about to come home from his mission - I was so shocked and upset for her, I couldn't believe she'd made such a mistake to ruin the future she'd worked so hard for. In tears I e.mailed my husband at work and told him how shocked and hurt I was - and his answer was perfect:
    "Do something for me- sit down and write down everything that she did to hurt you specifically in this- only include the things that she intentionally did to hurt you specifically. You aren't allowed to be mad or upset at her for anything that is not on that list- you can be disappointed and sad FOR HER, but not mad or upset. After all, she is only human..."
    That TOTALLY put things into perpective and it made it easier for me to feel love for her and be there for her as she put the baby up for adoption.

  • At 7:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well done!
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  • At 7:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Nice site! |


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