In my Heart

In my church we're counciled to keep a record of our lives for our future posterity. This is my record for now, of the things of my heart.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Joseph Smith Johnson

Well, I need to explain some things about Joseph Smith Johnson. For those of you who have seen Peter's Blog, you will know that we're working through some things now, and like Peter I don't want to put things on the internet without having first spoken with him, so I'll not be including a lot of detail here.

Some of you will have noticed my friend Emily posting occasionally on my blog. Emily and I worked together at the BYU Bookstore before I got my current job. Well, Emily is from California and she had a friend named Joseph Smith Johnson who is also from California. Immediately, I was intrigued. I'd never met anyone named Joseph Smith before, and I thought that this was a person that I'd like to meet.

One day, Emily asked Joseph Smith Johnson to come into the bookstore so they could "go to lunch". I think it was maybe an excuse so that I could meet him. Well, we all went to go eat in the Cougareat together, and while we were waiting in line Emily got a call on her cell phone and had to rush off to work on a group project that was going badly. That left Joseph Smith Johnson and I to eat lunch together.

Of course I wanted to know all about his name. I thought it was so clever and neat that he would be named Joseph Smith! He told me that after his parents joined the Church, they wanted to honor the Prophet by naming one of their children after him. Joseph Smith Johnson was born a few years later and the rest is history!

Well, Joseph and I had a great talk at lunch and he began coming around to see me and Emily a little more often. We all became really good friends and enjoyed spending time together. One of the funnest things we did was go on a hike with another friend of Emily's up to Diamond Fork Canyon where we went to some hot springs! It was really fun, and except for some strange people we passed on out hike out that were pretty wierd. It was kind of dark by then, but it didn't look like they were wearing modest clothing.

I consider Joseph Smith Johnson a great friend, but like I said before, now that Peter's home I don't have as much time for friends as I did before. I miss Emily and the other friends we used to hang out with. It was a really fun spring and I'll always remember it, but well... Peter's home now, and my spare time is mostly spent with him.


  • At 8:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Actually Molly. I was probably one of those people you passed on the hike. I don't know what could be more modest than no clothing at all!

    Buck naked on the hike! Sorry you missed that!

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaah!

    I kill me.


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