In my Heart

In my church we're counciled to keep a record of our lives for our future posterity. This is my record for now, of the things of my heart.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Veronica Mars?

Well, I wasn't going to reveal her name, but my tattooed friend from the previous post has been coming over to my house a lot and looks like she'll be a part of my life so I guess I'd better name her. I'm sorry that I posted about Roxanne's tattoo, because I wanted to keep her anonimity and all. But anyway, she's been coming over alot and it's been pretty fun to have her.

Last night, Roxanne dropped by and Peter and I were trying to pick a theme scripture for our wedding. It was kind of awkward, because your theme scripture for your wedding is such a personal thing between future groom, future bride, and the Lord, but I thought it would be good for Roxanne to help us and get into the scriptures.

After a few minutes, she excused herself to go to the restroom and didn't come back. I left Peter deep in Isaiah and went to go find Roxanne. I found her downstairs with Stephen watching TV on the couch. Roxanne said, "Hey Mol, want to check out Veronica Mars with Steve and I? It's a really cool show." No, of course I didn't, but didn't Roxanne want to come back and help with the scripture hunt? She declined, and ended up spending the evening with Stephen in his room listening to music. At one point, I heard the sounds of the Grateful Dead and was a little tempted to join them, but we all know what road that put me on! I figured that Roxanne didn't want to inpinge on Peter and I's special time, and I really appreciate that about her. She's a great friend.


  • At 11:06 AM, Blogger Just Me said…

    Ummm, wedding scripture?

  • At 2:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yeah, what is this wedding scripture. Also, I have been dying to get to know you online. Why doesn't your MSN name work? Please do not ignore this comment, Molly. My friend and I are huge fans, btw.

  • At 5:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm still convinced that this blog is fake, made up by someone who really has an annoying sense of humor. What's up with the early 90's 'do? If you can post pix of your friend's tattoo, why haven't you posted any pix of you and Peter Priesthood? And wedding scripture??? puh-lease...

  • At 10:36 AM, Blogger PBN said…

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  • At 10:37 AM, Blogger PBN said…

    I'm still convinced you are fake, anonymous. Grow a pair and give us your name. If you've actually read the blog you'll realize the photo is not of Molly. She wants to maintain her privacy to deter stalkers (see the samuel whitaker saga). Therefore, you probably won't see any "pix".

    Come back anytime


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