In my Heart

In my church we're counciled to keep a record of our lives for our future posterity. This is my record for now, of the things of my heart.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Monday, a big day...

Well, I guess now that Belle has spilled the beans I'd better come clean about Monday. I know I haven't been the best blogger lately, and neither has Peter for that matter. The truth is, we've been spending a lot of time together and haven't had time for blog entries. We also haven't wanted to make our own private relationship as public on the internet anymore. But I guess one little slip won't hurt.

Peter has planned a very special date for us this Monday. We're going to start early at the Provo Temple where Peter will baptize me in behalf of some of his ancestors. We've been spending time at the BYU Family History Center and managed to locate some people in Peter's line who have not had their work done! After that we're going to change and drive up to This is the Place Heritage Park and spend the day becoming better aquainted with our pioneer ancestry. After the park closes, we're going to return to The Roof in Salt Lake City, the site of our first date after Peter's mission.

It all sounds wonderful right? Well, I really feel like it's time for Peter and I to make a big step forward in our relationship with each other. Counting the time before Peter's mission, we have been seeing one another for almost two years now and I really feel like it's time. That's right, Peter and I are going to kiss for the first time...

Some of you might think that this is not appropriate. Peter and I too have had some concerns with this, but after counselling with our parents and priesthood leaders, we feel as though at this time it is a step we should be making. I can't wait for Monday!!!!


  • At 8:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    spilled the beans? I don't get it.

  • At 2:15 PM, Blogger Erika said…

    Good luck Molly! We love you.

  • At 2:16 PM, Blogger Erika said…

    anonymous, see my comment on the previous post. I knew Monday would be a big deal for Molly.

  • At 2:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    I think that's a really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, bad idea. I'm not so sure about Peter's intentions.


    Samuel Whitaker

  • At 3:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Going to the temple with someone you're dating is a bad idea. With temple attendance comes the feelings of the Spirit, which you can confuse to mean that Peter is the one you are supposed to marry.

    Do not do it, Molly. It will only muddle things and possibly cause you to make the wrong decision as to your eternal companion.

  • At 3:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wow. That's going to be so incredibly awkward. Oh well, better to get it over with.

  • At 3:46 PM, Blogger Just Me said…

    Good luck Molly, you go get him!

  • At 7:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    To Belle, Rebecca and Just Me,

    I don't know if you are LDS (members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in case you didn't know), but encouraging someone to kiss when they are not married is something I wouldn't want Heavenly Father to hold me accountable for.

    To Spencer W. Kimball,

    Of course that's not your name, but I like the advice. Perhaps if you're going to use a fake name you should pick one that doesn't blasphemize the Lord's annointed.


    Samuel Whitaker

  • At 11:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Have you talked to your bishop about whether it's okay to go to the temple together? A lot of church leaders have said that you shouldn't do that (or pray together, for that matter) because you can confuse the feelings of the Spirit as feelings of love or feelings that you should marry that person. Do it if you want, but it's not my fault if you end up divorced because you went to the temple together.

  • At 7:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wow, I never thought I'd say this, but I think you might just be a little TOO mormon. If you are getting serious with a guy, you need to kiss him. It is very easy to get carried away, but you're safer kissing a guy after doing baptisms than, say, watching a DVD on the couch all nuggled next to each other under a blanket.

    You don't need your bishop or your mother's permission to kiss a man you just might love. You need to make sure you feel a connection when you kiss someone you will be married to, because eternity is a long time to spend kissing someone you think is a lousy kisser.

  • At 4:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Boinking is what people do when they go hiking and take a blanket along.

  • At 11:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    We want details, details, details, details, details, details.

  • At 3:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Molly,

    I'm not certain I can agree that I want details, but I think since you posted that you and Peter were going to kiss after going on a date to the temple, I would like to know whether any of it happened. Of course you probably know that I hope it didn't, and I promise I only have your best interests in my heart. I will state again that I don't trust Peter Parley, who as a returned missionary should know better than the path he has led you down.


    Samuel Whitaker

  • At 3:38 PM, Blogger PBN said…


    You are even worse than my sister. I didn't think that was possible. Well done.

  • At 5:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    I'm not sure I should really concern myself with the opinions of someone who didn't even have enough commitment to serve a mission. Go on the mission the Lord wants you to serve, then come back and see if you have changed your tune. Maybe then I'll consider for one second what you have to say. I fear, though, that you'll be as lacking in priorities as Peter Parley, or even worse like Joe Johnson.


    Samuel Whitaker

  • At 5:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    As serious as I can be, I'm sure all your admirers would like to know what happened Monday. Please post as soon as possible. I understood not wanting to post last night, probably having arrived home later than usual. But it's 5:15 now, I'm sure you're home from work. Please let us know how it went.


    Samuel Whitaker

  • At 6:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Molly,

    Surely you must have read these comments by now and have had time to tell us how it went. That is, I guess, unless you're with Peter. If so, I hope there has been some priority realignment.


    Samuel Whitaker

  • At 6:29 PM, Blogger PBN said…

    Thanks for the advice Sam.

    Just because I haven't served a mission does not mean that my all my opinions and perspectives are meaningless does it?

    Has my life and all of my experiences been completely nullified due to my lack of service in the mission field?

    You'll probably say yes.

    Also, if serving a mission turns me into a judgemental self-righteous blog-stalker (<>i six times on one post? and three within one hour?<>i) thanks. Who are YOU to tell me what is right for my particular set of circumstances?

  • At 6:32 PM, Blogger PBN said…

    I guess my abilities in HTML have been nullified by my lack of service (note the failed attempt at italics) you were right sammy!

  • At 7:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    Who's more compulsive, someone who posts a lot, or someone who counts how many times someone posts?

    Your life experience is fine, I'm sure, and if I were looking for advice on how to fix a car or a class to take in college, I would not hesitate to ask yours, assuming you knew anything about those things.

    But you said I was worse than your sister, and I can only assume you're writing about my level of commitment to the gospel. That you would deem either myself or Molly as bad or worse on any level shows what you think of people earnestly trying to live the right way. The fact that you haven't served a mission, despite the fact that the Lord's commandment to do so didn't bypass you, means that you're giving advice from a skewed sense of priorities. Serve a mission, then challenge me on how I live my life or my opinions about Molly or anyone else.

    I'm sure you're a nice guy, I just don't need to be listening to the judgment coming from the likes of you or anyone who doesn't at least meet a minimum level of commitment to the gospel.


    Samuel Whitaker

  • At 7:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    I am sorry if I come off strong to your brother, but he needs some tough love, someone with a commitment to the gospel to tell it like it is.

    I sure hope you are well and feel good about what did or didn't happen last night with Peter. If there's anything I can do to help you through this time, please let me know. And of course, we'd all sure like to know how it went last night. Don't hesitate long, Sister Monson.


    Samuel Whitaker

  • At 8:01 PM, Blogger PBN said…


    I like your style. You stick to your guns and that's admirable.

    When I said that you are worse than Molly, I meant that you seem to be very judgemental (Molly often has the same disposition).

    Welcome to the Monson commenting community. You join a noble group consisting of Little Miss, Belle, and many others.

    Have you read Rose's comments? I think that you two could form a great friendship (not that I am capable of suggesting anything to you).

    I expect great things from you.

  • At 9:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Molly,

    Well, it's nearly 9:45, just a few minutes before bedtime, so I thought I'd check one more time to see if you had posted your story from Monday night. Guess not. I'm worried about you Molly. Is everything OK?


    Samuel Whitaker

  • At 10:21 PM, Blogger LITTLE MISS said…

    Wow. Samuel Whitaker. I'm speechless. But obviously you have "issues," so I'll leave you alone. Just one thing,

    "I'm sure you're a nice guy, I just don't need to be listening to the judgment coming from the likes of you..."

    If this is really how you feel, then stop READING! And before you get all up in arms about these issues, start a blog of your own! THEN YOU COME BACK AND "challenge [our] opinions about Molly or anyone else".

  • At 12:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Little Miss,

    For someone who is speechless, you sure keep your gums flapping. I may consider creating my own blog, but I'm mostly interested right now in what's going on in Molly's life. I believe the idea of kissing Peter is a bad one and someone else rightly wrote that going to the temple on a date was a bad idea and I agreed. Molly seems like a righteous girl and I hate to see her led down a bad path by her boyfriend.


    Samuel Whitaker

  • At 12:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Molly,

    I know it may look a little odd that I've posted so often, but I'm hoping my persistence gets a response from you. It's nearly 1 a.m. and I can't sleep yet. I've been so worried about you. Your brother called me a stalker. I really, really hope things are well, but until I hear from you I can't be sure. Well, I better try to sleep some more. Please post soon, but not tonight of course, it's well past midnight.


    Samuel Whitaker

  • At 2:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Molly,

    I'm still sleepless. I hope you're not. We all look forward to hearing from you.


    Samuel Whitaker

  • At 9:37 AM, Blogger PBN said…



    You were up long past the time that the Holy Ghost bedded down for the night. Aimlessly surfing the internet at 2:00 in the morning could be dangerous.

    Also, here's a tip...Molly generally prefers guys (it's obvious you're interested in her) who can stick to missionary hours.

    10:15pm is quiet time and 10:30pm is lights out. Also, how do you expect to wake up at 6:30am if you were awake at 2:00am. That's poor form Sam, poor form.

    Be careful.



  • At 9:59 AM, Blogger Erika said…

    We want Molly, we want Molly!

  • At 11:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Steve,

    From Matthew 12:

    10 and, behold, there was a man which had his hand withered. And they asked him, saying, Is it lawful to heal on the sabbath days? that they might accuse him.
    11 And he said unto them, What man shall there be among you, that shall have one sheep, and if it fall into a pit on the sabbath day, will he not lay hold on it, and lift it out?
    12 How much then is a man better than a sheep? Wherefore it is lawful to do well on the sabbath days.
    13 Then saith he to the man, Stretch forth thine hand. And he stretched it forth; and it was restored whole, like as the other.
    14 Then the Pharisees went out, and held a council against him, how they might destroy him.

    Missionary rules are made for man, not man for the missionary rules. I was up because I couldn't sleep. I couldn't sleep because I was worried about Molly.

    Still, I awoke this morning at 6:30, checked the blog and found she still had not posted (which did not surprise me), then went about reading my scriptures, exercising, eating breakfast and showering before heading off to an appointment.

    And last night, I wasn't aimlessly on the computer. In fact, I never am. While the Holy Ghost might go to bed at a decent hour, the devil never sleeps. Aimlessly surfing the internet is a bad idea no matter what time of day it is.

    But to answer why I was up so late, for me I worry that the "sheep might be in the pit," shall we say. I'm concerned that Peter Parley has influenced Molly to realign what were clearly good priorities before. I'm concerned for Molly. So would you be like the Pharisees in the scripture I quoted? Would she? Would you seek to destroy me for living a Christlike life. I certainly hope not and trust that most people who have served missions would understand my willingness to overlook the rules in favor of watching out for a sheep in need of help.


    Samuel Whitaker

  • At 11:17 AM, Blogger Jeff J. Snider said…

    Molly hasn't been feeling too well, but I have posted a recap of our evening over on my blog, which you can find here. Enjoy, because we sure didn't.

  • At 11:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    Based on what's on Peter's blog I understand why you probably haven't had the energy to write to us. I hope you feel better soon. I once got food poisoning from a Mexican buffet in Salt Lake City. I haven't been able to look at flautas the same ever since.

    Steve suggested I'm interested in you. Well, OK, it's true. I appreciate Peter's interest in stamping out smut and am equally appalled at the attitudes of Governor Huntsman and Peter's Elders' Quorum President, but I can't understand why he's insisting that you kiss him. I can assure you that with me, there are no inconsistencies. I'm obedient to the core.

    Get well soon.

    Sincerely, and might I say "your friend,"

    Samuel Whitaker

  • At 12:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Molly,

    Gatorade mixed with some water is good for restoring strength after a bout with food poisoning. Whatever you do, stay away from sugary drinks and those with (I'm sure I don't have to tell you this, but just in case Peter suggests it) caffeine. I hope this helps.


    Samuel Whitaker

  • At 12:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Molly,

    Just wanted you to know I included you in my midday prayers and put your name on the prayer role at the Provo temple. Hope you don't mind. Get well soon.


    Samuel Whitaker

  • At 1:11 PM, Blogger Jeff J. Snider said…


    For a self-proclaimed spiritual giant, you sure do seem very comfortable with the idea of promoting infidelity. Molly and I have been dating for several years, and you are openly campaigning for her affections. It baffles me that you can criticize our prayerful decision to have our first kiss, saying I am leading her down the wrong path, when you are actively attempting to lead her down the path of cheating on me.

    You are a jealous little man.

  • At 1:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Mr. Parley,

    I would hardly see it as cheating to go from someone with mixed up priorities to someone who is square and obedient to the core. You two are not married, engaged, or anything else. I guess I have to concede that you're dating, but that doesn't have to mean exclusive. Your suggestion that I'm suggesting Molly "cheat" on you is silly. I'm not suggesting that at all. I'm suggesting she leave you altogether. if you two were married or engaged, I wouldn't even bother with this whole situation. But until you have a promise from her to be yours forever, I think it's perfectly within my right and responsibility to try to protect her from the likes of you. She'd only be cheating herself to stay with you.


    Samuel Whitaker

  • At 1:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    I've got to agree with Peter on this one. What are your underlying motives? Do you want Peter and Molly to break it off? Are you relieved that they didn't kiss?

    If Peter and Molly DID break up, wouldn't you make a similar of prayerful decision with Molly before you kissed?

    How is Peter and Molly's decision different? Wouldn't you both be praying to the same person?

  • At 2:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Avid Reader,

    You are obviously not avid enough. That should prove to you that your GED certificate doesn't mean you're smart. I've already said that I want Peter and Molly to break up. I'm glad they didn't kiss, though I'm not glad Molly got sick.

    If Molly and I seriously dated we would not kiss until instructed to do so in our temple marriage.

    Any prayers about kissing before marriage are misguided and a sign of misplaced priorities. Anyone who doesn't think so has some serious repenting to do.


    Samuel Whitaker

  • At 2:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Molly,

    I'm still praying for your speedy recovery. Been able to hold down anything solid yet? Get well soon.


    Samuel Whitaker

  • At 2:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Little Miss,

    I took the time to read your blog and before you tell me, "If you don't like it, don't read it," let me assure I won't anymore. Your July 17 post referenced parts of your marriage none of us have any business knowing about. Priorities, discretion. Look them up.


    Samuel Whitaker

  • At 2:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Molly,

    You see, the thing is that I'm in love with you. I have ever since I met you for the first time. This Peter (or shall I say, Mr. Self-Righteous) I feel only has the worst of intentions. The spirit has been telling me urgently for days that I must end your relationship with him.

    People who think they know better than their bishop are grade-A apostate material. Molly, you're the only one for me, and I know I'm the only one for you. Let us stop waiting go out. I'm ready for a serious relationship, and I think it's time you have one with someone who's worthy.


    Samuel Whitaker

  • At 3:43 PM, Blogger Jeff J. Snider said…

    I can't even bring myself to be upset with you, Samuel. I just feel sorry for you. I hope you get the counseling you need, and quick.

  • At 4:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear readers, especially Molly and Peter,

    The last comment was not made by me. Someone is being an imposter. I would never say some of the things that person attributed to me. I would guess someone is trying to smear my good name. I see that coolboyh set up a blog specifically so he could comment on other blogs. Perhaps I will do the same.

    For the record

    I am attracted to Molly and maybe what I am feeling is love, but I certainly wasn't ready to profess here right now.

    I do want Peter and Molly to break up.

    I have not had a revelation that they should or that I should have anything to do with that happening. I have done this completely on my own, though I do pray constantly.

    Whoever is posing as me should repent immediately. Stop trying to ruin my good intentions.


    Samuel Whitaker

  • At 4:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Mr. Parley,

    One more thing. My counseling situation is none of your business.


    Samuel Whitaker

  • At 4:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Molly,

    I hope you can appreciate that I only have your best interests at heart. Keep your chin up.



  • At 6:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Molly girl,

    I had another appointment so I hope you have been doing OK. Rest assured I've continued praying for your recovery from food poisoning. I wish I could say that you were sick of Peter (LOL), but I know it was probably the food. Again, if there's anything I can do for you, let me know.



  • At 7:38 PM, Blogger Jeff J. Snider said…


    Molly has asked me to let you know that she will not be posting again until you have stopped with your pathetic obsession. (Okay, she didn't use the word "pathetic," but I don't think I will get any argument from anyone here.) It makes Molly very uncomfortable that you have developed this crush on her despite not having any idea what she is like in person, or even what she looks like. She recovered from the food poisoning quite a while ago, and she is now staying away only because you creep her out. Please leave her alone.

  • At 8:25 PM, Blogger PBN said…

    Well said Peter.

  • At 10:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    To all,

    A couple hours ago my son, Samuel, appeared to be particularly agitated. It's not unusual for him to be upset, but this time his anger was out of the ordinary.

    Once I was able to get him to settle down he kept going on about a girl named Molly and kept repeating "bad guy" about Peter. Eventually we were able to get him to calm down enough and tell us what was going on. He told us about this blog. I have since read what Samuel has written here and other places and can assure you that he won't be writing here anymore. He's fine and after a long talk with his mother and me he was finally able to agree that his activities here were out of line.

    For any who were offended, Sam's mother and I apologize. So does Sam.

    Please understand that my son has a big heart and an unbelievably sharp mind, but he has a tendency to be obsessive to the point that he loses every ounce of common sense. We've been having him see a therapist and have been somewhat open to medications, but mostly we try to work with him on our own. This is the first time his issues have been given light on the Internet.

    Sam has a deep testimony of the gospel. He wanted desperately to serve a mission, but his condition wouldn't allow it. Most times he is quite accepting of how people choose to practice the gospel. In this case, however, I believe he was overcome by his affection for Molly.

    What set him off tonight was Peter's request that Sam no longer post. But no one should feel badly about that. Had it not happened just when it did, we wouldn't have known what was happening here.

    Again, Sam, his mother and I apologize for any offense here and pray for your forgiveness. And best of luck to you Peter and Molly

    Kevin Whitaker

  • At 1:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    Well done, all of you.

  • At 11:40 PM, Blogger LITTLE MISS said…

    Last comment, I promise. Sam, if you happen to read this...I must say kudos to you for finding that post, over a month after the fact (nearly 40 posts later!)...just proves one point.

    you are indeed a blog whore.

    (you were attracted to that post by it's title, and title alone... or you would not have picked THAT one to complain about; there are plenty others by which to be appalled.)

    Happy Searching.


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