In my Heart

In my church we're counciled to keep a record of our lives for our future posterity. This is my record for now, of the things of my heart.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

A view from my heart #6 -- "What's Left of Me"

Yesterday, I dropped Peter off at his Minuteman Civil Defense Corps training meeting and took his car to get the oil changed. I was reading in the lobby and trying to pay attention the the New Era magazine that I was reading, but I kept getting distracted by a song on the radio. It was really sweet and catchy, and I even found myself tapping my toes a little!! Well, I have to admit that I'm a little out of the radio scene lately since Peter and I decided to only listen to music that is made available through the Church Distribution Center, but this was so uplifting that I had to find out what it was!!

Well, imagine my surprise when the radio announcer said that it was Nick Lachey's new CD! I was so excited!! I've been a little worried about Nick Lachey lately since his divorce from that tart Jessica Simpson. I really wish that someone would make her turn in her Mouseketteer ears for the turn she's taken, and I always just felt that Nick was trying to bring her back into the fold. Try as he might, he just wasn't able to bring her around. The "D" word isn't something I like to talk about too much, but frankly, I don't blame him for leaving her after she was so unfaithful to him with all of those skateboard people.

Anyway, Nick's new album, "What's Left of Me" is really something worth checking out. I immediately went over to the BY U Bookstore and picked up a copy. The album for the song "What's left of me", which can be seen over at his official website is really the new anthem of repentance for the rising generation. I was really surprised that Jessica agreed to be in it with him, but she probably feels guilty for the outfit she wore in the video and for being so mean to her husband. Anyway, we shold all show our support for Nick by heading over to the BYU Bookstore and picking up his album. We need to support him in the stand he's taken against Jessica Simpson.

If Nick is brave enough to condemn her for her immodesty, why shouldn't the rest of us stand up with him?


  • At 9:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    you know, I just attended a wedding recently, and the bride was a little indecent herself. I mean, the bride's powder blue suit just wasn't doing anything for any of us poor spectators. Her ankles were visible for pete's (or peter's...haha) sake!! Oh and then, my gramps was really ancy for the kiss because they had 'practiced'. Practiced? Obviously the first kiss should be over the altar! Hello!!
    anyway, there was a special musical number, it was a shania twain song. And after reading this blog I realiaze that the number definitely should have been one of nick Lachey's, because how immodest is shania?
    thanks molly, you really let your light so shine. now don't go and hide it under a bushel, ya hear?


  • At 1:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    You don't know me, but I know you, and your dark secret that you think nobody knows about.

    Unless you want me to expose you for what you are on this blog, STOP POSTING ASAP.


    "A Friend" from your past...

  • At 6:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Are you seriously starting this crap up again?


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